This handcrafted accessory has been made from lava rock stones and chakra gemstones.
Lava Rock
Lava rock is a igneous volcanic rock black in color.
Promotes grounding |
Brings calmness and strength |
Cleanses negativity |
Enhances creativity |
Improves communication |
Zodiac sign: Cancer and Taurus
Element: Earth and Fire
Chakra: Base
Chakra beads:
Aum sign:
Represents the union of the mind, body, and the spirit. Promoting oneness, silence and divine expression.
Accessory Specifications:
Accessory Length: +/- 40cm each side (Adjust it to your preferred length by tying a knot and cutting out the excess string)
Bead size: 8mm
Pendant Diameter: 2,8 cm