Crystal jewellery have long been revered for their beauty and metaphysical properties. Whether you're a crystal enthusiast, just starting to explore their potential or simply enjoy wearing crystal jewellery, it is essential to understand the importance of crystal cleansing. In this blog post, we will dive into why it is important to cleanse your crystals and some common methods of crystal care:
Why Cleanse Your Crystals?
Crystals are known to absorb and store energy from their surroundings. Over time, this energy can become stagnant or even negative, affecting the crystal's ability to provide its intended benefits. Cleansing your crystals and crystal jewellery helps to release any unwanted energies and restore their natural vibrations, allowing them to work at their highest potential.
Common methods of crystal cleansing
Sage and Palo Santo are two popular tools used for cleansing crystals. These sacred plants have been used for centuries in spiritual rituals to purify spaces and objects.
To cleanse your crystals using Sage or Palo Santo, light the sage bundle or Palo Santo stick and let the smoke envelop the crystals. As the smoke wafts around the stones, visualize any negativity being released and replaced with positive energy.
Harnessing the Energy of the Sun
The sun is a natural source of energy and can be harnessed to cleanse and recharge your crystals. Find a sunny spot, preferably outdoors, and place your crystals in direct sunlight for a few hours. The sun's rays will penetrate the crystals, clearing away any residual energies and infusing them with renewed vitality.
However, it's important to note that not all crystals can tolerate prolonged exposure to sunlight. Some stones, such as amethyst or rose quartz, may fade or lose their vibrant colors when exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods.
Moonlight Cleansing
The energy of the moon is incredibly potent and can be harnessed to cleanse and charge your crystals. Place your crystals outside or on a window sill where they can be exposed to the moon's light. Leave them overnight, allowing the moonlight to cleanse and recharge their energy.
Chanting Om: The Universal Vibration
Chanting "Om" is a powerful practice that can help cleanse and align your crystals. This sacred sound, considered the primordial vibration of the universe, resonates with the energy of creation and transformation. By chanting "Om" while holding your crystals, you can infuse them with positive vibrations and clear away any energetic blockages.
Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can sit comfortably with your crystals. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and begin chanting "Om" repeatedly. Allow the sound to reverberate through your body and visualize the vibrations flowing into your crystals, cleansing and purifying them from within.
Caring for and cleansing your crystals is a vital aspect of maintaining their energetic properties. Regardless of the method you choose, it's important to approach crystal cleansing with intention and intuition. Before cleansing, take a moment to connect with your crystals and set your intention for the process. Remember, you are the guardian of your crystals, and your energy and intention play a significant role in their cleansing and charging.
By regularly cleansing your crystals, you can ensure that they remain vibrant and potent in their healing properties. Experiment with different methods or combine them and find what resonates with you and your crystals the most.
30 August 2023